Sunday, July 31, 2016

Girl's Night Out

Girl's Night Out MOPS with baby girl in tow.
Have I mentioned before that my favorite part of being in the soaping business is the people I get to meet? Some of the best times have been the scheduled girl’s night out. I have done a few events ranging from 4 ladies to 60. I’ve even had the opportunity to instruct a troupe of girls from an American Heritage Girls. It was so much fun!!

I had someone approach me about doing events for a group of ladies and that started me wondering what we could do. I didn’t have the confidence to do a soap making class with them but knew we could think of something to do. Enter the bath bomb. Now, making round bath bombs takes a bit of practice and technique. I couldn’t see how the bombs would have time to dry during an event so that they could be safely transported home with each participant. Enter the Bath Bomb cupcake. Perfect for transporting as it would go home in its own perfect little container and packaging. I practiced a few batches myself before heading out and I planned to make frosting that had sugar and egg whites with the full knowledge that if the ladies didn’t wish to use it, they could easily remove it and set it aside.

My first event was with 4 ladies. We had so much fun packing our bath bomb bases and I had made such a large batch that each lady went home with about 3 bombs apiece. When it came to the frosting, I whipped it up and we set to decorating. Each used a glitter of their choice to top their high towering creations, and then we set back and enjoyed a great conversation. As we talked, the frosting on each of our cupcakes grew. At first slowly, and then fast it puffed and puffed and then at its peak, deflated and drooped. Soon our beautiful creations were sloppy messes! The ladies were such great sports as we laughed and compared disasters. Each went home and enjoyed their bath bombs none the less, sans the frosting, of course.

Next came the great group of girls from the American Heritage Girls. There were about a dozen or so girls ranging in age from about 8 into the early teens. We talked about chemistry, cake decorating tips and tricks. Then we got to decorating. This time, the frosting behaved better. Whew! What a relief!!!!
Cupcake made by one of the amazing girls at out class!
Photo Credit: Angelique Harmond

The last time I got to set up and make Bath Bomb cupcakes was with a group of about 60 ladies from our MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) group at church. I took my Kitchen aid and set up in the kitchen. I’d pop back and forth from the kitchen to the table where the ladies would make and decorate their cupcakes. It was so much fun talking over the benefits of each of the ingredients and seeing the ladies having such fun with putting the rosebuds onto of the frosted cupcakes. Many of the ladies contacted me after that to tell me how much they had enjoyed their bath bombs. Much of this had to do with the fact that they had made it themselves. It was a very rewarding experience for sure.

It’s always fun to get to include others in the creative process. And I think that something like making a bath bomb is attractive because you get to then enjoy the fruits of your labor. You get to say: hey, I made that!  I am still learning with each new opportunity to do Girl’s Night Out. I have explored different decorating techniques and frosting options. Some things that work for me to do here in my Soaping Studio don’t translate well for taking on the road. There are still so many options to be explored. But, you can be sure that we always have fun along the way!

1 comment:

  1. Getting to share what you love to do with people you love to do it with...sounds perfect!
