Monday, August 1, 2016

Soap Savers Save the Day!

In the world of handmade products, diversification can be your saving grace. That is no exception with soap making. If you take a moment and look at most soap makers that sell their products, they usually offer more than just soap. When you offer a wider variety of products, you broaden your potential market. For example, I don’t get a lot of children coming over for a bar of soap, but they are crazy about my bath bombs and they are quick to point out how they need a lip balm or two. For them, parting with $6-7 is harder than $2. And also, if you have a variety of products, you also are more likely to have something for everyone in the family. Some of the products I sell have been the result of a very intentional attempt at such diversification. But other I have come upon much by accident.

My favorite of these are my soap saver. Now, there are soap savers of all kinds and varieties. There are mesh soap savers and soap savers on a string. You name it, there is a soap saver like that. Wait a minute, I’m getting ahead of myself. Rewind.

Do you know what a soap saver is? No? Ok, it is basically a little bag in which you put your soap bar. It is meant to help your bar of soap last longer. It works as a built in wash cloth and also it “saves” your soap because as you get down to the tiny, miniscule sliver of soap that you can’t quite hold in our hands, it doesn’t go to waste because it just lathers right up in its little cocoon. So, that is a soap saver. 

Soap Savers ready for teacher gifts! This is the photo posted by my friend to my
Facebook page which prompted me to add them to my line of products.
Photo Credit: Amy Barnhart.

I was first introduced to them by one of my customers and very good friend who is an avid knitter and crochets. She came to me to buy a great assortment of soaps as teacher gifts. She then made soap savers for each soap and packaged them with a gorgeous tag for each teacher. The soap savers she made were so adorable, that no further wrapping was needed! When she posted pictures to my Facebook page of her creations, I knew this was something I had to have. Not only are they functional for my customer base, they are beautiful to look at and even better? They are handmade by another small business in my area. I promptly put in an order with my dear friend and awaited this newest addition to my inventory with baited breath. I was not disappointed.

The soap savers have been a huge hit. Made from soft cotton yarn, each soap saver stretches to fit any size bar of soap. From Parents wanting to provide their kids with a great alternative to a slippery bar of soap or those looking to make their homemade soap bar last that much longer, soap savers offer something for everyone. I promptly gave my husband a soap saver, and I have been very impressed at how much longer his bar of homemade soap lasts. I believe that because the soap hangs free in the shower and doesn’t sit in the little soap shelf, it air dries. It also lathers up with less work because the fibers of the handmade soap saver are well impregnated with lovely soap.

And we are able to provide a wide variety of colors to choose from. Each soap saver is a little bit different from the next, which ties in perfectly with handcrafted soaps. Each unique. Our next quest is to try and incorporate a bit of a “scrubby” factor on own side of the soap saver for a little extra exfoliation. Will keep you posted on the progress of those.

Have you tried a soap saver before? What are you waiting for! Pick up one today and give it a whirl! You won’t be disappointed.

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