Monday, August 8, 2016

Challenge Complete!!!!


Yay!! Wahoo!! We did it!!! 30 days of blogging complete!! Wow! I knew it was going to be a challenge to do it, but I'm so glad that I accepted it. It has certainly been an adventure. Thank you also for hanging in there with me. From that first blog that took my 4 hours to write and 2 days to find a template for my blog to this last blog in the 30-day challenge. I have big plans for the future of the blog and will hopefully be making some upgrades to the look of it as I have more time to spend on learning a little HTML.

I learned that I really enjoy writing. Don’t know why this is such a revelation as I have been writing for my own enjoyment for years. But it seems like such a revelation that I enjoy writing for others. The best compliment I have been payed was when several of my friends who know me in person, told me that they can really hear my voice as they read what I write. That, is the best thing ever. It means, for me, that I am getting through what I want to say while being true to me and who I am.

Of course, my dear husband, who is always the first to encourage and push me on, asked me if I was going to keep it up. Blog every day for forever? Are you Crazy? Do you know how hard this was? He just blank stared back and said: "Well, are you?" I love how he thinks I'm such a wonder woman that that would be a piece of cake for me. I want to keep blogging and I know that it is important to keep the information coming or people forget about you. So, my goal is to blog at least once a week from here on out. I would love to do more than once a week, but I'm afraid to commit to more than once a week. There, I said it. I'm afraid. Realistically with being about to pop another human out, I am going to need a little down time to adjust, but I believe that I can still manage a once a week blog, even under those circumstances. Therefore, I am committing to a blog a week. I hope you will all continue to join me for our weekly episodes and if you find me not keeping up with my end of that bargain, give me a call out. I might need a good ear pulling.

Though the overall number of participants that completed all 30 days has gone down from the original number who set out to achieve it, there are still a big number of bloggers that stepped up and persevered. To each of them I offer a heartfelt, “Good Job!” and a virtual high five. I want to encourage others that have a desire to blog but need a little motivation, get a blogging partner. Get in on a challenge, like I did! It was so nice to know that others were there, right alongside me, working for the same goal. Don’t be afraid to try. You won’t be sorry!
Thank you for hanging in there with me!!!


  1. I'm so proud that this challenge helped you find your writing voice. Thanks for participating and hanging in there for the full 30 days.

  2. I enjoyed reading your blog! Now I feel like I know you. Soapers are just the best people!

  3. A virtual high five back at you! Your new goal is perfect.
