Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Baby Shower Bath Bomb Favors

As some of you know, I am expecting baby #5 in September. This last month is always the most exhausting, but exciting time as it draws nearer to meeting the little person that you have already loved for so long. I am blessed to be a part of a family that believes that every child is a blessing and should be celebrated. As such, we throw a baby shower for every baby. Be it baby # 1 or #5, we love to celebrate!

I wanted to help out in some way, so I begged and begged to do the party favors. I have something I have been dying to try. 

In my recent browsing of online stores, I found these 1.5” metal bath bomb molds on Two Wild Hares website and I though those would make the absolute cutest little bath bombs for party favors! I had previously ordered some 2-inch width cello bags off of Nashville Wraps that I figured would fit these to a tee. When I got the bomb mold, however, I realized that the bags I already have wouldn’t work. Yes, they are 2 inches, but they are 2 inches flat and bath bombs are, well, a sphere. I then went onto a website called and found that they carried gusseted square bottom cello bags. Just what I needed! Unsure of really how big these were going to be, I erred on the side of caution and got the 1 ¾ inch bags. Looking back, I will order the 1 ½ inch ones’ next time around.

The baby shower theme is Pink and Pearls so I made pink bath bombs and added little sugar pearls I got at the supermarket. The new mold makes a very cute little bath bomb. Because the sides are so sleek and not lipped, you get a very smooth bath bomb. You do need to have a spoon or something handy to tap the mold to help release the bomb easier. I am sure going to invest in a second set of this mold and maybe a few larger ones.  I am so happy with the way these turned out!
Mini Bath Bomb Baby Shower Favors.

I designed a label on and printed it here at home for free. I like to use a heavy card stock because it makes the label more durable and then you don’t get all that curling as you transport them. To finish the packaging, I took the excess from the top of the cello bag, folded it over, punched two holes and threaded through a ribbon and attached the label. They turned out just as I had imagined them!

Can you just see these customized to any party occasion? You could do bright colored ones for a kid’s party or black bath bombs with little eyeballs for a Spooky Bash? So many possibilities!

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