Sunday, August 7, 2016

Top 5 Best Sellers

“What’s your best seller?”

This question is one that I get several times at each craft show or event I attend. I always smile a little at this one because the answer not super simple due to the fact that there are best sellers in different categories. By category I mean how I classify the scents. I like to group the scents in these categories: Sweet/bakery, Floral, Clean, Essential Oil only and unscented. But, if I had to choose the top five best sellers, regardless of where they fall in my scent categories, these would be them:

5. Covered in Candy: this is definitely the one sweet soap! It is juicy bubblegum, cotton candy, juicy apples and pears blended together with sugared candy lemon drops meshed with crushed Madagascar vanilla. Doesn’t that sound good enough to eat? Of the bakery/sweets scented soap that I carry, this is one of my personal favorites too. It screams fun and fancy.

4. Meteor Shower: This fun soap has been a hit with both men and women! It is a unisex scent that is fresh and clean. It is described as a fresh floral fragrance as drops of rain land
of a field of jasmine with a hint of grass. Even though it is a floral, it is not too feminine and makes you think clean! And the design of this one was the inspiration for the name. After taking left over scraps of soap and making them into the shape of balls, I was inspired to embed them into a soap loaf. The resulting effect reminded me of a meteor shower and so the name was born.

 3. Liberty: This soap is about one bar away from being sold out. Guess I better get on restocking this one! The scent is juicy melon and sweet raspberries pooled with a bountiful bouquet of muguet, peonies and magnolias softened with white musk. It is feminine, intoxicating and soft all at the same time. It doesn’t scream perfume, but more a clean, refreshing scent. What completes this one is the glitter on top. I’m a sucker for glitter.

2. Honey Bunches of Buttermilk: Even though this one has no scent at all, it is one of my best sellers. Customers that love this bar are those that are looking for unscented soap or have very sensitive skin. From the buttermilk to the oatmeal, this is a great choice for people with Eczema as well. I touched on what Eczema is and its treatments in 2 previous posts if you are interested in reading those (read part 1 here and part 2 here).  I have also had customers that have purchased this bar to use on their dogs.

1. Rise & Shine: This is by far my best seller. Scented in Essential oils of Peppermint and Eucalyptus, this one is refreshing and awakening. I recommend this one for body use and warn that some might have a sensitivity to peppermint in more delicate areas of the body. This is not the case with everyone and one of my best customers says she uses it everywhere. It is a creamy bar that really packs a punch. As with a lot of essential oils, I find that the dry bar is mildly scented, but get that puppy wet and lathered, and you are greeted by wave upon wave of mind clearing minty freshness. (I don't have a photo of this one!! Oh the shame!!)

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