Saturday, July 30, 2016

"Do you have anyting for Eczema?" Part 2

Today let’s talk a bit about what treatments are used for Eczema. If you didn't read part one that describes what Eczema is, click here to read it: Part 1.

Because, as we said yesterday, this is a skin condition that has no cure, treatment is usually focused on controlling symptoms. The first line of treatment is to deal with the itching caused by the condition. So basically, topical corticosteroids like cortisone are the first line of defense. This is often followed by oral antihistamines and antibiotics in the cases where the skin has been infected. There are cases that are sever enough to warrant oral treatments that will help alter the immune response to try and lessen breakouts.

So, that is a basic overview of what Eczema is. 

When I get the question, “Do you have anything for Eczema?” my answer is not always a simple one. If you are managing the condition well with the treatment your doctor is prescribing and are looking for a less medicated alternative or are not getting good results with the treatment you are currently using, here is my recommendation.

  1. Remember that this is not something that is going to be cured. Nothing I or anyone can offer you will do that. But, there are things that can be tried that can improve your skins condition.
  2. If you are any kind of oral treatment or are using anything with a steroid in it, don’t quit cold turkey. There are serious side effects that can occur when certain medications are not tapered off and I always recommend that you consult your doctor before trying anything new or radical.
  3. What works for one person may not work for another. Remember how there is no set list of irritants for this condition? Treatment is also a lot of trial and error.

With all this being said, I can tell you what my customers have tried and what their results have been.

I always point them in the direction of 2 of our products.
Honey Bunches Of Buttermilk Soap in the mold.
Have to make it in large batches!
Honey Bunches of Buttermilk Soap. This is a fragrance free soap that is full of buttermilk, local fresh honey and oatmeal. It is also made with tallow, which I highlighted why I love tallow in this post: Tallow: Why I Use It.  )

·         Oatmeal: in this soap is soothing and it also provides a bit of exfoliation that helps to get the dead skin cells off so that the healthy skin underneath can shine.

·         Buttermilk: It is high in Lactic Acid, Vitamin B, and Calcium. It is known to soften and tighten the skin.

·         Local Honey: loaded with antioxidants, nutrients and healing compounds.

Aloe Vera Lotion. The ingredients include Aloe, Sweet Almond Oil and few other things.

·         Aloe Vera: Contains proteolytic enzymes which help repair damaged skin.

·         Sweet Almond Oil: This oil is fully absorbed by the skin and has a myriad of amazing benefits. From being anti-inflammatory to having great emollient (draws moisture to the skin) there a long list of reasons why this oil is amazing for your skin.
Aloe Vera Lotion comes in many different scents.

I have several customers that use these two products together on themselves or their children and have seen some really good results! Some have seen a reduction in breakouts and others have seen soft, healthy skin return.

Bottom line of why I think this combo works:

The biggest reason I believe these two products do so much good is that it is getting our skin back to a simpler, less chemically laden skin care. We are eliminating detergents, most fragrances, and are mildly and gently cleansing the skin. Because it is soap and not a detergent, we are also allowing the natural oils the body produces to stay and work their magic. It’s getting back to basics and letting the body work without a lot of outside interference. The products are playing back up to the amazing, self-healing abilities our bodies already have in place.

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