Thursday, July 28, 2016

Buttermilk Baby Soap

You would think that with as many kids as I have, Baby Soap would have been one of the first things on my list. But, no, it wasn't. I did make a batch of unscented soap just for my kids right as I started soaping. It has been one of my best soaps yet! Must be because it was for them. :)

It was an invite to a friend's baby shower that got me thinking about baby soap. I then went into research mode. I looked up a whole bunch of recipes, ingredients and soap qualities one would look for in a soap meant for newborns. I also came across Soap Queens baby soap tutorial and decided to make that one. I only made a very small batch and did it using the hot process method, because the baby shower was about 1 week out. For those that don't know what the hot process method is, it is when you cook the soap in a crock pot or oven or stove (I used a crock pot) to force gel and speed up saponification. Soap that is done by the hot process method is safe to use right away, although I still like to let mine cure a while just to make sure I get a good hard, long lasting bar.

Anyway, went to the baby shower and gifted my soaps. I was then invited to another baby shower not long after, and I included another one of those baby soaps in that present as well. Now, this baby shower was for my best friend's sister. And when she saw that I had given her sister a baby soap and hadn't given her one (she has three beautiful daughters of her own), well, let’s just say, as a best friend, I was in serious hot water!! I was saved only by the fact that I did still have one bar left and made sure it got to her ASAP. 

So, here is what is in my baby soap:

· Olive Oil: This soap has a very high percentage of Olive Oil which makes it a very mild and creamy soap.

· Coconut Oil: There isn't much coconut oil in this soap, since I wanted it to be very mild but still, little baby bottoms do need a bit of cleaning.

· Buttermilk: Long have the praises of buttermilk been sung as far as skin care is concerned. From being high in Lactic Acid to being a great treatment to sooth sunburns, it was a no brainer to add to a baby soap.

· Cocoa Butter: With antioxidant qualities, cocoa butter also provides a barrier for the skin. Have you ever used pure cocoa butter melted on your skin? It's amazing!

· No fragrance: Now, we all love that baby powder smell that makes us think baby with just one whiff. But, when making this soap, I wanted to make sure it was as mild as could be. I didn't want to alienate anyone with sensitive skin. Also, I don't like using essential oils on newborns. So, the buttermilk and cocoa butter do come through a bit in fragrance, but mostly it's just clean. Babies have that amazing, intoxicating natural aroma to them and I think that that gets to shine more when added fragrances don't interfere.

I have since had to make and remake this one for friends, family and customers. It is an amazing, mild, no frills soap that will get baby clean. Now, do please be aware that this is soap. As such, it is not tear free. For me and my babies, I haven't had an issue in keeping it out of their eyes. After all, those tear free liquid fragrance thingies are not soap. Don't get me started on those.......