Thursday, July 21, 2016

My trip to Lush

I recently got the oportunity to visit a Lush store near me. I first came across Lush products in my many hours of Youtubing (is that really a verb? Youtubing?). From videos of their amazing bath bombs and bubble bars, to people raving about their scents and shapes, I watched them all. I also enjoyed watching their YouTube channel about how they made their product.

The nearest Lush store from where I live is in the Willowbrook Mall. Now, I don't often go to the mall. It's not extremely close to me. I do a lot of online shopping and whatever else I need, groceries, cloting, etc., I can get within about a 5 mile radius of my house. The Mall is not in my usual repetruar. And to be honest, the thought of going into a store with all these yummy, pretty things with 6 pairs of curious hands just itching to touch and smell was more then  a little overwhelming. So, I kept the idea of a visit on the back burner. BUT, one day last month I was out by myself to meet some customers for coffee and just happened to be next to the Mall. Of course, I seized the oportunity to head on over to Lush. All by myself. :)

I must say, it was not what I was expecting. Adn that is not a bad thing. As I walked in, I was greated warmly and asked if I'd ever been there before. Then I was encoureaged to  touch and smell anything I wanted and to ask questions. I started in the Bath Bomb and bubble bars/ macaroon section. Bright beautiful colors and a wide array of scent options, to say the least. I was surprised though, at the scent selection. I had assumed that because it was all colorful and glittery, that there would be more fruity, bakery scents. But these were all more earthy and natural.  Very essential oily (there I go again, making upswords). Some were amazing. Some, to me, just plain stinky.

The 2 generous samples. 
I went on to the bath jellies and conditioners, the lotion bars and scrubs. At this point some of the ladies that worked there came over to demo the lotion bar and give me an arm massage. It was awesome! Then came the hair care products, including gems, conditioners and shampoo bars. Last, but not least, I looked at their face maskk bar. They had a whole bar of fresh masks, made daily, that they would demo for you. From rose petals to fresh garlic, you name, they probably use it!
After asking a few more questions and painstakingly narrowing my selection, I opted for a Frozen Bath Bomb and a Rose Jam Bubbleroon. 
As I checked out the young lady remebered that we had talked about a certain scent and product and offered to send me home with a sample of two of them. Color me.impressed! It was a generous sample and hand labeled, right there in from of me. I was so excited to get to try my newest purchases. 

Now, I have to laugh at my husband's reaction to this whole shopping trip. I think, like me, he had a certain fragrance profile in mind. He liked the rose jam fragrance, but couldn't wrap his head around why I would choose an old lady smell, in the Frozen Bath Bomb. Too funny!

Two things I took away from my visit were:
1) Their products are highly scented. If you don't like strong smells, this is not the place for you. On the flip side, you really feel you get bang for you buck. 
2) They products look handmade. This is part of what Lush stands for, and you really see it. No bath bomb is perfect without seems and not every bubbkebar is an identical shape. It carries it's handcrafted beauty. Refreshing to see it's not all cookie cutter perfection.  

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