Saturday, July 23, 2016

14 days into blogging.

When I accepted the Blog Your Brand challenge from Indie Business Network, I didn't really know what to expect. I knew it was something that I needed to do, and blogging has been something I have been interested in for a while. Long before I started my soaping business I pinned post on Pinterest about blogging and had even read a few articles. But realistically, I didn't know where to start. Even as I signed up for the challenge, I was very worried about getting it done. It took me hours to figure out how to open an account to blog and even longer to find a template, add a few buttons and get started. It was very overwhelming and if it hadn't been for the pressing need to complete my challenge, I would have given up long before getting started. There have been some things that have gotten easier, and others that have gotten harder. Here is an example of each:


  • We all know that when we do something over and over, it makes it easier. From playing the piano to running a mile, the more time you put in repeating or practicing, the easier it is. This has been true also for blogging. Getting into the habit of putting thoughts into words had made this flow with more ease. I spend less time worrying about how cohesive each sentence is and more just typing what is in my brain. Then I go back and reread. There is still tweaking that goes on and I find that not everything I write makes sense, but there is less hesitation about the first draft. And, I find that I am able to express what I mean with less finagling. So, that side of things has gotten easier.
  • Another thing that has gotten easier, is confidence. I am more sure that when I sit down with a clear or even semi clear picture of what I want to post, that I will get it done. The first post I did I think evolved over a period of 4 hours! That time has been considerable cut down. It's almost like I feel the freedom to jump right in and say what is in my head. The positive feedback from not only those participating in the challenge, but others that have read my blog has given me confidence that I have a voice. That I have something to say that others want to read.


  • Content. The night before the contest started I sat down with pen and paper and jotted down 16 possible blog posts. I had a whole world of possibilities out there to explore! I mean, nothing had been written yet, and my blog could go any way I wanted. But, as I have crossed more and more topics off that list, and as I have narrowed a bit what I do and don't want to post about, the list of possible topics has dwindled. So, coming up with blog content has become harder. Plus, I now have to consider if what I am posting is in line with the overall voice of what I want my blog to be.

Take away at half way through this challenge:

If you want to get into blogging or need a push to promote your business, get in on one of these challenges! You learn so much about yourself, your abilities and what you really have to say, by being forces to post every day. You don’t' get the luxury of waiting on perfection and you find that you can truly pull this off. Also, getting to read posts daily from others that are blogging about subjects completely unrelated to your business is truly stimulating! From posts about dog training, to laughter in marriage, being exposed to things outside your genre will also help you find material. Seeing how others are open up can free you to be more personal. Reading the way someone else expresses their view on a subject can help you see things in a new light.

My experience with this challenge has been a very good one. I look forward to the second half of this challenge and to giving an update as, together, we cross that finish line, having blogged, once a day for 30 days. Can I count you with me?

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