Saturday, August 6, 2016

I Got A New Camera! (And Texas soap reveal photos)

I got a new camera!! It was a huge deal for me to invest in a nicer camera. It is a big purchase and I am a bit of a researcher when it comes to making a purchase like that. I googled what kind of cameras were popular for YouTubers, what cameras were good for photos and video, what was a good price range, I googled, well lots and lots of things. After a very extensive search, I decided that what would work for what I wanted to do and would also fit my pocket book was a Canon Rebel. I wanted to get either a T3i or a T5i. The biggest difference I found between the two, was that the T5i does 1080 video and had a touch screen. I then went to my favorite online shopping place: Amazon. The price for both were a bit higher then what I had budgeted. So I did the next best thing: Ebay.

Now, Ebay can be such a slippery slope for me. I tend to be frugal by nature, but I am also a very competitive person. So my frugal side will keep me from bidding on something because I want a steal of a deal, while that competitive side will get me bidding and bidding because I want to win. How do I avoid getting in my own way? I set myself a budget. A max budget. Since, as I mentioned above, I had done my research beforehand, I knew what a good price would be. Then I set out to find my camera. I must have bid and lost out on at least 8 different cameras! I had several get away because they went for more than my budget, but several others got away and I was baffled! One was the strangest thing ever: I bid and was the highest bidder, but the seller had predetermined a minimum amount that he would let it go for. I was the highest bidder, but my bid was still beneath the threshold, so I upped it. Unfortunately, there was no one bidding against me at this point and the bid wouldn’t go higher even though I tried to up it manually. That was frustrating! Then I started to lose out on a few because I was bidding but the webpage was not keeping up in real time. Here I was thinking I had 10 minutes to go and would put in my max bid at 5 minutes and then, *poof*, auction over, you lost. What made it worse, was a few of them I would have bid higher than the final bid, if I hadn’t been holding out for the last minute to try and beat the system. Grrr!

I discovered that what I had to do, was download the app on my phone. That had real time on the bids. So after weeks of trying and like I said probably, 8 -10 lost auctions, I was now the highest bidder on two! Uh oh, two?! Yes, two. Oh the suspense! I won the Canon Rebel T5i that I wanted and was outbid on the T3i that was my second choice. Yay!!

Now, I get to discover all the amazing possibilities that this beautiful camera has to offer. Of course, my first stop was YouTube and then I have read some of the manual. I am also looking at my local collage to see if they might have a beginner’s course! So far I have played with the three things I learned about on YouTube: ISO, aperture and shutter speed. I can’t claim I know quite how to make it work every time with a trial shot or two, but it sure is fun!! I know it will just get better from here. I hope you will all be treated to better product pictures in the very near future.

As promised, here are some photos of yesterdays Texas soap. I took this with my new camera!! :)

If you would like to see the making video:

1 comment:

  1. Amazing to think we watched "soaping videos" together, and dreamed along... and now you're making both soap and videos. All I can say is your soap is fantastic!!!
