Tuesday, August 2, 2016

When Life Doesn't Follow Your Plan

My Handsome Husband.

Have you ever had a day that just doesn't turn out the way you had hoped? It happened to me today. I bought a new to me camera off of EBay for my business. I need to step up my photos of products, especially as I want to further an online store. So, I got myself a Canon Rebel T5i and waited anxiously for its arrival. It arrived today!! I have no idea how to use it, but I am so excited to learn!

Here was my plan:

· Get the new camera.

· Document with beautiful photos making mini bath bombs.

· Make custom labels and put together all the party favors for my baby shower.

· take amazing photos of finished product.

· Blog about the whole thing.

Here is what really happened:

I got the camera in the mail. Yay! Both batteries that came with it needed charging, so I set the name brand one to charge. After several hours I put it in the camera. It is dead. It didn't charge. So now I have to set the non-name brand battery to charge. Hours pass. Now it is late in the day. Kids are hungry, dinner needs to be made. Post is not written, photos are not taken, bath bombs and labels are still not made.

Hubby takes over making dinner as I whip out a few bath bombs. I do manage to take a few photos. None are perfect. None are in focus. Now I set out to design the labels. I decide to cut them out with the new silhouette I got. They won't cut. I am now beyond frustrated. This post is not going to be what I want it to be.

Mini Bath Bombs.
So, I have a choice. Do I give up on the whole blogging once a day for 30 days? Can I just go crawl my very pregnant body into bed and hide under the covers while eating chocolate chip cookies?

No! I am instead going to share a couple of the photos I took with me new camera. They are far from perfect, but they are a small window into today’s little victories. The post about the bath bombs will have to come another day. For now, I want to leave you with this:

Random photo. Playing with ISO

My days don't always go as planned. And that is ok. At the end of the day, if I have persevered, I can say I accomplished something. If the whole day was a wash, I can say: tomorrow is a new day and look forward to conquering mountains in the light of a new morning.

My Baby Girl.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Your days wont always go as planned and I love your attitude.
