Friday, July 15, 2016

Bombs Away! My first encounter with a bath bomb.

I must confess that my first encounter with a bath bomb was well into my, ehem, thirties. I have always been a frugal type, and pampering myself had never been super high on my list of priorities. Actually, it is something that I am actively working on! May sound funny, but as a mother of almost 5, I am finding the value in making and taking time for me. It makes me a happier, more well rounded person. And as a mother, I am realizing how much my kids learn from watching me, more then what I tell them. But, I digress.

So before I was involved in the world of Soap making, I went to a friends baby shower and as party favors she gave away bath bombs. I don't remember what scent mine was, but I couldn't wait to get home and try that puppy out. This was a simple bath bomb that fizzed and spun and I remember being completely mesmerized. I breathed deep of the fragrance and was surprised by how soft my skin felt afterwards. How could that small sphere turn my bath into such an experience?!
Fresh bath bombs drying on bubble wrap.

You can probably guess what I did next. Yes, I searched YouTube for tutorials, recipes, etc. My first tries were a flop and I was quickly discouraged. A while after getting serious with my business I decided to revisit bath bombs. I was especially inspired to retry after seeing Ariane Arsenault from La Fille De La Mer talk about her struggle with bath bombs and then sing the praises of a book by Holly
Port, Make It Fizz. I got myself on Amazon, ordered the book and not-so-patiently waited. If you are struggling to make your bombs work, I highly recommend you get that book!

I quickly started experimenting and got to a point where I was comfortable to make changes to the recipes in the book and make them my own. Not all changes were good and not all batches turned out. Even with the same recipe I sometimes had, and still have, ones that just won't work. I'm blaming it on environmental factors. ;) But, for the most part, my bath bombs are a success! I am truely happy with how my bombs work. And my customers seem to love them too. They are a huge draw at craft shows and more and more people come by already knowing what they are and how to use them.

Here are the three main  butters and oils you will be enjoying while you soak with one of Soap Doctor Soaps bath bombs:

  • Cocoa Butter: Not only does it have antioxidant qualities which are great for anti-aging, but it provides a barrier for the skin. It can also reduce inflammation of the skin.
  • Shea Butter: with a high concentration of natural vitamins and fatty acids this butter is very moisturizing and has also been found to reduce inflammation.

  • Sweet Almond Oil: high in vitamin E and a great emollient, this oil draws moisture to the skin.
Breath Easy Bath Bomb. One of the
best sellers.
As you can see, you are sure to come out feeling silky smooth and pampered.
Have you tried bath bombs yet? I think it's about high time you do.

It's easy to have fun with this bomb!
The possibilities are endless.


  1. I took a class with Holly in early June and learned to make bath fizzies. She is awesome! I'm so glad her book helped you figure them out. Her method is fool proof.

    1. I would love to take a class with Holly! Her book is also so beautiful with its many full color photos.

  2. Yes, you must take time for yourself. Your bath bombs are so pretty.

    1. It is important. And with all these handmade goodies at my fingertips, I now have no excuse for a little me time. ;)
